Frequently Asked Questions
How can my child join the orchestra?
Submit a registration form found here. Your child must submit an audition video during enquiry for us to determine which orchestra (Haydn Strings, Chamber Strings, Youth) your child may be suited for.
Is it necessary for my child to be of a certain grade before he/she can join?
For Haydn Strings Orchestra - our beginner orchestra, some background knowledge and proficiency in the instrument is required.
For Chamber Strings and Youth Orchestra, there is a recommended minimum grade of at least Grade 6 and Grade 8 respectively. However, these serve as only guidelines and the final decision regarding the orchestra your child will play in is determined by an online audition process.
What time are rehearsals?
Haydn Strings Orchestra: Saturdays 4-630pm
Chamber Strings Orchestra: Saturdays 930-1130am
Youth Orchestra: Sundays 430-730p
Is there a membership fee?
Yes, our membership fee is $150/month, regardless of which orchestra your child is playing in. Fees are due biannually in January and July so members are expected to commit for a duration of at least 6 months for their personal development. For students who join us mid-semester, fees will be pro-rated accordingly.
Membership fees cover weekly rehearsals, instructor fees as well as participation in our KPO local concerts.
How often will my child get to perform when he/she is with the orchestra?
Kids’ philharmonic@sg has 2 major concerts each year. These concerts are held at venues such as Esplanade, Lee Foundation Theatre, Victoria Concert Hall and SOTA Concert Hall. In addition, members can look forward to performing at community events as well as student recital concerts which are held regularly.
My child plays the piano. Can she still join the orchestra?
Unfortunately not at this time. Kids’ philharmonic@sg does not have a pianist position open. However, your child is welcome to learn an orchestral instrument with one of our teachers!
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